Exciting information about the Golden Retriever breed

Exciting information about the Golden Retriever breed

Exciting information about the Golden Retriever breed

Golden-haired pets are a symbol of well-being. Is what is being filmed on the balcony? Is it really a family dog? This gently inflated animal also has a golden retriever with a rich history and a large number of individual abilities.

Origin of the breed

The name of the breed is decoded as follows: "Retriever" - "Bring, Save", and Golden - means elegant coat color. The breed was born as a hunting catch, but today the dog is more than a companion and is not practically used for hunting.

The breed has evolved in the UK, but the origins of dogs come from Scotland. In the 19th century, it was not an independent breed. Then there was only a group of dogs that were involved in hunting.

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At that time, there was a need for dogs capable of finding and shooting a toy and even taking it out of the water. The goal of breeding an appropriate breed was determined by Scottish Lord Tvidmos I. He has chosen only the best representatives of the breeds of hounds and more than half a century in his nursery engaged in breeding work. Because of the fact that the Lord trusted his activities, we were able to find out that the breeder used to take Labradors, settlers, water spaniel and retrievers to breed "golden".

As a result, early appeared Golden Retrievers, which immediately created competition for smooth hair recovery. However, at the time before the final removal of the strain was far. Then there were more popular breeds, and many breeders awoke to the excitement of breeding their own breeds. All breeds of efficient breeds collapsed during dog competitions in England, but gold species proved their superiority. From this point on, the breeding of the Golden Retrievers began with special enthusiasm.

Work was carried out under the constant supervision of experienced educators, and mandatory tests were conducted to determine work qualities. All strain members that did not meet any criteria were examined. Real heroes of their dynasties, who managed to achieve great success in various exhibitions, began to emerge. Breed many fans of this golden beauty, gained popularity.

Since 1911, representatives of the dynasty began to register a separate name - "Golden Retriever", which distinguished the dynasty from their ancestors - "Golden". In 1930, the breed received its recognition in the United States. In Russia, the breeding of the Golden Retriever began in 1989.

Golden retriever puppies
Golden Retriever 

Description of the Golden Retriever breed

Representatives of the dynasty represent handsome men with a noble appearance, but many breeders are certain that the name "golden" in the dynasty is not a shade of wool, but a description of the character.

Even the first Goldens were introduced with some requirements, which were also met by representatives of the modern breed:

Medium-sized dogs should have a strong structure.Strong limbs with thick leather on the clutch pads (the latter is protected from sharp reed leaves). Hardy, practical animal.
The dog is able to swim and is equipped with a waterproof outer layer. The dog is fully obedient.

Bodyweight for representatives of the breed varies from 25-41.5 kg. Usually, the growth of dogs in the shoulders is between 56 and 61 cm, the spore is approximately 51 to 56 cm, and the appearance of a pet has its own characteristics and characteristics:

The head of the golden retriever is fairly broad, wedge-shaped, with clear lines of the skull. The nose is smooth and ends in black in the classic shape. The mouth is deep, with sophisticated teeth and bite-shaped scissors.

The eyes are medium in size with a dark brown iris and thick dyed eyelids, widely spaced. Golden look friendly, often bother. Small, hanging speakers with rounded edges.

Harmonious body, rectangular shape, with appropriate skin without dip. Dogs have strong and strong bones. The neck is medium, oval, and has moderately moderate atoms. Straight back, with wide loins.

The chest is wide, the ribs are rounded.
Proportional limbs, strong joints with advanced muscles. Brushes are rounded in shape, on pigmented dense black leather clutch pads.

The tail is flat, lowered, while working rises to the back level.

Pigmentation of wool in golden retrievers is their identity mark, it is light golden with a light pink color. Standard cream shades allowed, as well as a small amount of white hair on the chest. Ostrov's hair is soft, elastic and tight on the scalp. Wool can be soft and wavy but not curly. The dog's fur coat is thick, it can protect the animal from water and frost.

Golden retriever puppies
Golden Retriever puppies 

Golden Retriever character

Golden Retriever pets have a flexible personality and can adapt to different rhythms of their owners. With them can be comfortable and hoody, active owners.

Goldens have unique mental abilities and can be understood without words, so even a novice who doesn't understand anything in this regard can train them. If the dog is busy, then all the wisdom of training and education can master them for about 12 months. However, after completing the basic course, you will need lessons with your pet so as not to lose its physical shape.

Golden retrievers need attention, so if you don't devote time to your pet, you can find pampered things. Dogs do this to attract attention, not in any way out of harm.

If the owner is very active in life, the dog will be happy to accompany him in any case. For them, running beside the bike, playing with the ball, long transfers, relaxing by water bodies is well suited.

Goldens perfectly accommodates agility and mobility cycles and shows good results in competitions. But training to protect and protect this breed is not appropriate, as dogs lack the qualities required for this activity. Retrievers can bite, but only if necessary. It is possible for a child to start a dog of this breed as a pet because a teenager between 10 and 12 years old can handle the training of these smart animals.

Today, representatives of this breed are practically not used in hunting, since the most suitable and least volatile dogs are tied. But this does not detract from the hunting qualities of goldens:

They have a very balanced mood.The excitement of hunting, expressed in the settlers, is not present in goldens, so even during work it is well controlled;Dogs love water a lot.They can work without speech commands, respond to whistles and gestures.

If the retriever is obtained for hunting, you should take an exclusive puppy from working dogs, along with breeding documents and results of labor tests.

Golden Retriever 


The breed has a certain disadvantage, which sometimes does not allow a dog to get in a residential environment - a strong smell. However, this phenomenon is prone to correction, but not cosmetic procedures. Of course, grooming is required, but nutrition plays a big role in pet "smell" because the smell appears due to disturbed metabolic processes.

In addition, purebred pets are prone to allergic manifestations, which again emphasize that it is necessary to carefully choose food for golden pets. If we are talking about prefabricated rations, they should be classified as premium, super quality or comprehensive. The latter is true if a pet has food allergies. Pet size, age, coat type, and activity should be guided.

Natural nutrition should be a diet full of meat, offal, dairy products, cereals, and vegetable oils. Also in the menu, you can include eggs and fruits. In this case, additional sources of vitamins and trace elements will be needed. With trial and error, you should choose products that are not suitable for pet feeding, and exclude them from your dog's list.

The golden retriever's coat allows their content on the street, however, the luxurious wool will lose its splendor and will remain constantly dirty.

Dogs are very actively melted, and dogs change both the hair guard and the coat. Therefore, it is necessary to comb gold every day and bitch several times a day. This is not only a tribute to the beauty but also maintaining a healthy skin, because hair that has not been removed can cause dermatitis.

In addition to wool, you should care for the eyes because dogs tend to uveitis - chorionitis of the eyeball. They should be regularly inspected and washed or wiped using a boiled chamomile or a special tool.

It is also recommended to inspect and clean the ears using a cotton swab with boiled vegetables or baby oil. The tentacles are cut as they grow. The oral cavity is examined and if dental calculus is found, contact a specialist.

The dog needs regular vaccination, as well as protection and prevention of external and internal parasites. With good nutrition and care, the dog lives up to 15-16 years, although the average shelf life of representatives of the breed is 10-12 years.

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